Stay Healthy on the Road

Categories: Blog | Posted on Nov 16, 2016

  1. WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN!. Most of the easy to use gel hand cleansers do NOT kill germs – they do not replace a 15-30 seconds of soap and hot water. Always wash hands BEFORE eating and AFTER you go to the bathroom.
  2. Until you have washed your hand DO NOT put your hands and fingers in your face, eyes nose, none of that. You maybe your own number cause of illnss – be mindful.
  3.  Avoid local water. Buy bottled water. ALERT: make sure to check the seal before opening. It is not unusual for the bottle to be used and tap water put into it. Or you can always boil water (15 minutes minimum)
  4.  Make sure your food is fresh as possible and cooked thoroughly and served hot. Many times “street food” can be the freshest but the hygiene can be an issues. Make sure they are not handling your food and money with  gloves. They should change gloves between handling food and the money (usually NOT gonna happen).
  5.  Avoid salads, raw fruit and veggies that have NOT been washed and/or peeled. Remember: just because it  says it’s organic doesn’t mean that it is nor does it mean the workers didn’t pee on it. (I’m just sayin’),
  6. Try not be in in closed spaces with too many people, especially in the winter months. Elevators are the worst. With everyone hackin’ and huein’ (sic) a closed space maybe the nail in your coffin.
  7. On the plane I wear a surgical mask. The air conditioning tears my sinuses up. Also, keep in mind it’s just re-cycled air with all the germs and bacteria from those same people hackin’ and huein’.
  8. Take all you contingency medications – sinuses, body pain, mosquito repellent, sun block, sun visor or wide brim hat, bandaids, after the bite, after the sunburn, etc. Think of all your “what if” scenarios. If you are out of the country even tho there maybe a Walmart it may not have the medication you want. If you are in the US just take enough money to buy it on the road. It’s a pain in the the butt but the alternative is maybe worse.
  9. Take disinfectant wipes. A hotel room can have as many germs and bacteria as an airplane. The remote control, the bathroom counter/sink and the drinking glasses run neck and neck for the worst for germs and bacteria.  Use those wipes!

Just a few tips. Stay healthy while traveling.


MarshaAgo-go, gone.

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